Sleep Apnea Treatment Midlothian

Change Your Life with Quality Rest

Bearded man sleeping in bed with hands behind head

Sleep apnea can cause both you and your partner to wake up feeling exhausted every morning. In your partner’s case, it’s a result of the loud snoring that’s usually a side effect of sleep apnea; in your own case, it’s due to the poor-quality rest you’re getting thanks to your breathing being interrupted on a regular basis. You don’t have to go through life feeling tired – not when Long Family Dental has personalized solutions for snoring and sleep apnea that can make your nights more restful and quieter for all parties concerned. Call us today to learn more about sleep apnea treatment in Midlothian!

Why Choose Long Family Dental for Sleep Apnea Treatment?

  • Carefully Customized Oral Appliances
  • Dentists That Have Completed Advanced Training
  • A Warm, Welcoming Modern Dental Office

How We Treat Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Close-up of sleep apnea oral appliance on blue surface

While there are a few different causes of sleep apnea, the main one is physical blockage of the airway. Once the airflow is cut off, the body interrupts the sleep cycle so that you can get air. A partially blocked airway is what leads to loud snoring. Sleep apnea episodes can easily occur hundreds of times during the night, which will obviously take its toll on your body.

Since the root of the problem is often in the mouth or the throat, dentists are in a unique position to treat sleep disorders with specialized oral appliances. These will move the lower jaw slightly forward so that the airway stays open, allowing you to breathe normally and comfortably.